Spletna konferenca Teaching and Learning with AI
V četrtek, 27. junija 2024, je potekala prva brezplačna spletna konferenca o umetni inteligenci z naslovom Teaching and Learning with AI, kjer so predavatelji povedali več o svojih izkušnjah in dobrih praksah. Pogovori in predstavitve na konferenci so obravnavali praktične posledice teh orodij v stroki ter kako učenci, knjižničarji in učitelji uporabljajo orodja generativne umetne inteligence.
Predavanja na konferenci so potekala vzporedno, zato ni bilo možno spremljati vseh hkrati. Svoje uvodne misli in izhodišča so na začetku podali:
- Reed C. Hepler (Digital Initiatives Librarian and Archivist, College of Southern Idaho)
- Jason Gulya (Professor of English at Berkeley College & Consultant)
- dr. Laura Dumin (Professor in English and Technical Writing at the University of Central Oklahoma)
- dr. David Wiley (Chief Academic Officer of Lumen Learning)
- dr. Tazin Daniels (Associate Director at Center for Research on Learning and Teaching at the University of Michigan)
V nadaljevanju so hkrati potekala različna predavanja, v prvem sklopu pa:
- AI Literacy: Fostering an Intertwined Relationship between Pedagogy and Technology in Higher Education (Emily Rush, PhD, Rush University)
- Foster AI Fluency by Converting Student Assignments (Kevin Yee, Director of the Faculty Center, University of Central Florida, Laurie Uttich, Instructional Specialist)
- How big is the AI advantage for student creators? (Jon Ippolito, Professor of New Media and Director of Digital Curation, School of Computing and Information Science, University of Maine, Gregory Nelson, Troy Schotter)
- How to Create an AI Tutor for Your Course: (Dr. Michael Rota, Professor of Philosophy, University of St. Thomas)
- Now the Hard Work Begins: Inviting Writers to Use AI Tools (Dr. Troy Hicks, Professor and Chairperson, Teacher and Special Education, Central Michigan University, Dr. Kristen Hawley Turner, Director of Teacher Education, Drew University)
- Teaching Beyond the Tech: Exploring the Durable Power-Skills Students Will Need to Succeed in the Age of AI (Ashlee Russell, M.Ed., Special Education Teacher and AI Educator for Adult Learners, Cumberland County Schools and AI Learning Central)
V drugem sklopu pa so bile na voljo naslednje teme:
- AI Brick and Mortar: Which AI Platform/Tool Is Best For Your Task? (Laura Lacasa Yost; Instructional Designer, Kirkwood Community College)
- AI in the Hot Seat: Assessing Its Information Literacy Competency (Sarah Pavey MSc FCLIP FRSA, SP4IL Education Consultancy)
- Elder as Melder Perspectives on Learning and Teaching with AI (Dr. David L. Stoloff, Professor, Education Department, Eastern Connecticut State University)
- Empowering Tomorrow’s Creators: AI Tools for the Modern Classroom (Michael Fricano II, K-6 Design Technology Teacher, ʻIolani School, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi)
- LFFL: Empowering Students with Generative AI for Lifelong, Fast, and Fun Learning (Dr. Marvin Starominski-Uehara, Adjunct Assistant Professor, International Business & Environmental Studies at Temple University Japan)
Tretji, zadnji sklop:
- Gamifying Generative AI as a Way to Teach AI Literacy (Sierra Adare-Tasiwoopa ápi, Instruction Technologist, Nevada State University)
- Harnessing AI Responsibly: Strategies for Academic Excellence and Integrity (Brenda Brusegard, Head of Secondary Library, Oberoi International School, Mumbai, India)
- K-12 Open Education Resources: How Librarians Can Use AI and OER Together (Julie Erickson, Chief Learning Officer, LanCrew Colorado)
- Meet Them Where They Are: Preliminary Data Assessing Students’ Attitudes Toward Generative AI Use (Dr. Jeanne Beatrix Law, Professor of English and Director of First-Year Writing Program, Kennesaw State University (KSU) | Dr. Laura Palmer, Professor and Chair, Technical Communication & Interactive Design (KSU))
- Teaching with AI: Revolutionizing Education for the Future (Daniel Bernstein, CEO, Teachally)
Konferenco je zaključil Steve Hargadon, ki je povzel sklepne misli. Čeprav imajo tehnologije umetne inteligence številne prednosti, pa strokovnjaki izražajo tudi skrbi glede vpliva novih tehnologij na poučevanje in učenje ter informacijski ekosistem kot celoto (zaskrbljenost zaradi varovanja zasebnosti, zagotavljanja pravičnosti in dostopnosti; zaskrbljenost zaradi plagiatorstva, pristranskosti, napačnih informacij, preglednosti in izgube kritičnega mišljenja).