Prihajajoči spletni seminarji
Prihajajoči spletni seminarji IFLA v mesecu novembru:
IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB)
Serija spletnih seminarjev: Neighborhood Science: Working Locally to Confront Global Challenges
1. november 2022 ob 6:00 zjutraj (PDT) / 13:00 popoldan (UTC)
IFLA Academic and Research Libraries Section (ARL)
Serija spletnih seminarjev: The call to action – academic libraries responses to the SDGs
2. november 2022 ob 12:00 (CET) / 21:00 (AEDT)
IFLA Subject Analysis and Access Section (SAA)
Spletni seminar: Where Do We Meet? Perspectives from Software Developers and Subject Specialists on Creating Machine Learning Projects
9. november 2022, od 14:00 do 18:00 (CET)
IFLA Science and Technology Libraries Section (SCITECH)
Spletni seminar: Out in the Open: How the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Library is Leading Open Science
9. november 2022, od 20:00 do 21:00 (CET)
Knowledge Rights 21
Spletni seminar: How Do We Fix eBook Markets? A Discussion on the Future of Libraries and Authorship
21. november 2022, od 14:00 do 15:30 (CET)
Prijava je možna na povezavi pri posameznem spletnem seminarju.