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Journal of Librarianship and Information Science

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
21. 7. 2022
Gregor Škrlj
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica

Revija Journal of Librarianship and Information Science prinaša svojim bralcem novosti o raziskavah, aktualnem razvoju in trendih, povezanih z vodenjem in upravljanjem knjižnic. V današnjem globalnem okolju morajo knjižnice občasno sprejemati kompleksne in zahtevne odločitve, da bi izpolnili poslanstvo, vizijo in cilje.

Aktualna številka, ki tokrat vsebuje 12 člankov, je dosegljiva na povezavi (obstaja več različnih možnosti dostopa do polnih besedil).


  • Arif Khan: Towards developing library and information science practicum supervision competency framework
  • Irfan Ali: Personal information management through ubiquitous devices: Students’ mobile self-efficacy and PIM practices
  • Keren Dali: Reading practices of Spanish-speaking readers in the United States and Canada
  • Clare Thorpe in Lyndelle Gunton: Assessing the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals in academic libraries 
  • Mikael Laakso in Bo-Christer Björk: Open access journal publishing in the business disciplines: A closer look at the low uptake and discipline-specific considerations
  • Jianxin Liu: Video or perish? An analysis of video abstract author guidelines
  • Pianran Wang, Jianhua Xu, Brian W. Sturm, Qi Kang in Yingying Wu: “Books, physical spaces, rules, people”: A holistic analysis of young Chinese children’s perceptions of public libraries
  • Youngseek Kim: An empirical study of research ethics and their role in psychologists’ data sharing intentions using consequentialism theory of ethics
  • Younghee Noh in Hyun-Jin Hong: A study on the relationship between library service and digital competence
  • Shreya Mishra, Manosi Chaudhuri, Ajoy Kumar Dey, Rishi Tiwari in Rupali Singh: Prison libraries serving the ‘whole person’: A qualitative study
  • Muhammad Asif Naveed in Madiha Mahmood: Correlatives of business students’ perceived information literacy self-efficacy in the digital information environment 
  • Nima Soltani-Nejad, Marzieh Jahanshahi, Mohammad Karim Saberi, Nasim Ansari in Nayereh Zarei-Maram: The relationship between social responsibility and public libraries accountability: The mediating role of professional ethics and conscientiousness
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