Izšla je nova številka Library Quarterly
The Library Quarterly objavlja vrhunske članke, eseje in recenzije, ki prinašajo novosti ter obveščajo strokovno javnost. Vsebine v reviji se navezujejo na sodobna vprašanja, ki vplivajo na knjižnice in knjižničarstvo.
Na spletu je na voljo nova številka revije The Library Quarterly, ki izide štirikrat na leto. Vsebina tokratne številke:
– “Killing It from the Inside”: Acknowledging and Valuing Black, Indigenous, and People of Color as LIS Faculty,
– We Call to #ProtectLibraryWorkers: A Rallying Cry for Library Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic,
– Race and School Librarianship in the Jim Crow South, 1954–1970: The Untold Story of Carrie Coleman Robinson as a Case Study,
– Storytime Programs as Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors? Addressing Children’s Needs through Diverse Book Selection,
– Measuring Self-Efficacy in Public Library Storytime Providers,
– The Treatment of Privacy in Professional Codes of Ethics: An International Survey,
– Evaluating the Use of Journal Prestige as a Metric for Academic Research Faculty: A Case of Library and Information Science Faculty in the United States and Canada,
– Social Innovations in Public Libraries: Types and Challenges,
– Matthew Conner and Leah Plocharczyk, Libraries and Reading: Intellectual Disability and the Extent of Library Diversity,
– Kris S. Helge, Ahmet Meti Tmava, and Amanda R. Zerangue, Sustaining and Enhancing the Scholarly Communications Department: A Comprehensive Guide,
– Christian Rau, “Nationalbibliothek” im geteilten Land: Die Deutsche Bücherei 1945–1990.
Na povezavi pa je dostopen tudi arhiv, kjer je možno pregledovati starejše izdaje.