Information Technology and Libraries (ITAL)
Information Technology and Libraries ima diamantno odprt dostop — to pomeni, da je brezplačen, za branje vsem, avtorjem ali njihovim ustanovam in ne zaračunava stroškov obdelave člankov, vsebina pa je objavljena pod mednarodno licenco Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.
Decembra 2023 je bila objavljena četrta številka z recenziranimi članki:
- To Thine Own 3D Selfie Be True: Outreach for an Academic Library Makerspace with a 3D Selfie Booth / Alex Watson
- Towards an Open Source-First Praxis in Libraries / J. Robertson McIlwain
- Managing Your Library’s LibGuides: Conducting A Usability Study to Determine Student Preference for LibGuide Design / Julie Burchfield and Maggie Possinger
- Reference Chatbots in Canadian Academic Libraries / Julia Guy, Paul R. Pival, Carla J. Lewis, and Kim Groome
- Using Qualtrics XM to Create a Point-of-Use Survey to Assess the Usability of a Local Implementation of Primo / Matthew Black, Heather Ganshorn, and Justine Wheeler
Poleg teh člankov so objavljeni še prispevke drugih avtorjev:
- V razdelku Pisma uredniku so trije odgovori na “Od ChatGPT do CatGPT”.
- V občasni seriji Misli uredniškega odbora članica uredniškega odbora Mary Guillory prispeva “Drained-pool Politics Versus Digital Libraries in U.S. Cyberspace,” razpravo o prepovedi knjig v digitalnem okolju.
- Redno kolumno Public Libraries Leading the Way je napisal Ross Hanney, » Reorienting Collection Analysis: Cost Effective Item Level Analysis and Machine Learning in Public Libraries.